Campaign video: Tom Wyatt announces his candidacy for the Pennsylvania State House 184th District and covers more than 12 miles walking the district and talking with the people of South Philadelphia.
In this video, Tom pledges that he will accept no PAC money and no individual contributions of more than $500. This is unique in a state that places NO LIMIT on the amount of money that an individual can donate directly to a candidate or sitting member of the State House.
Tom is taking a stand against money in politics by not soliciting or accepting checks from big donors, even though this guarantees that he will be greatly outspent in the Democratic primary by his 30-year incumbent rival, who has the financial backing of special interests and the Democratic Party machine.
Directed, shot, and edited by
Dax Mackenzie Roggio
“Boozophilia” by Low Cut Connie
(Courtesy of Contender Records)